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Lade unzhlige Dokumente hoch und habe sie immer dabei. She started writing about gardening on her blog called May Dreams Gardens which lead to numerous magazine articles, her books, and a podcast called The Gardenangelists. In Jigalong kommt unterdessen ein Mdchen namens Molly auf die Welt. Vlker, die nomadisch leben, wohnen nicht an einem festen Ort. 9. patrickd. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. Ab einem bestimmten Alter werden sie ihren Familien entrissen und in Erziehungsheime geschickt, wo sie die Kultur und Sprache ihrer Familie aufgeben sollen. As with the farmers wife (Edwina Bishop) who provides the girls with food and clothing, people are prepared to help but only to the point where it doesnt inconvenience them. Wow. Wie Du dem Zitat entnehmen kannst, ahnten die Aborigines bereits, dass die Ankunft der Weien ihre Lebensweise bedrohen und letztendlich auch zerstren wrde. The fence is resistant to both water and UV rays and comes with a 10-year warranty against cracking, splintering or yellowing. Zu Beginn des 19. 25FrancisStreet, Der rabbit-proof fence symbolisiert zwei Dinge. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. Australian Doris Pilkington's work of nonfiction Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence, published in 1996, relates the story of a native Australian family's experiences as part of what came to be known as the Stolen Generation.The Stolen Generation was the result of an early twentieth century practice of having children who were of mixed race removed from their families and placed in government . The fence cut through the country from south to north. Mit der Ankunft weier Kolonisator*innen in Australien begann im spten 18. Rabbit -Proof . Da ihr Vater wei ist und ihre Haut damit viel heller als die der anderen Kinder, wird sie von der Gruppe ausgeschlossen. [3] The other two books are Caprice: A Stockmans Daughter (1991) and Under the Wintamarra Tree (2002), The film stirred controversy in Australia relating to the government's historical policy of removing part-Aboriginal children, who became known as the Stolen Generations, from Aboriginal communities and placing them in state institutions. The violent removal scene in the film is entirely fictional. They don't know this part of the country. Handlingen utspelar sig 1931, d det var vanligt i Australien att aboriginers barn, och srskilt d . of Queensland Press, 2002). Rabbit Proof Fence (2002) Trailer Recorded Picture Company 7.99K subscribers 3.1K 978K views 11 years ago In 1931, three half-white, half-Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from. Molly ist die Mutter der Autorin und gleichzeitig auch die Protagonistin des Buches. Die Verbundenheit der Mdchen zu ihrer Kultur und ihren Familien wird Dir auch daran deutlich, dass die drei sich untereinander immer wieder als Schwestern bezeichnen, obwohl sie strenggenommen "nur" Cousinen sind. The National Films and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) has some interesting links to talks about the film including an interview with Deborah Mailman on Deadly Sounds. An incredible achievement in anyone's language. Das Buch wurde im Jahr 2002 unter dem Titel "Rabbit-Proof Fence" verfilmt. I've seen several movies recently ("Adaptation," "The Hours," "Bowling for Columbine," "City of God," etc. We revisit the film that renewed community interest in the Stolen Generations. By what name was Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) officially released in India in English? Zur gleichen Zeit wird das Volk der Mardudjara, die ursprnglich frei durch das Land gezogen sind und von ihm lebten, ohne seine Ressourcen zu erschpfen, immer wieder Opfer der Gewalt seitens der Kolonisator*innen. From over 700 movies available to stream at SBS On Demand, these titles were the top picks with our viewers in 2022. Cinemark Dort bekamen sie tagelang nichts zu essen auer ein wenig Brot und Wasser. Jahrhunderts. Wie Dir vielleicht beim Lesen aufgefallen ist, wechselt der point of view ("Standpunkt") der Geschichte gelegentlich. Some parts are perhaps overdone, overcooked in pursuit of conveyance of its message, but it's a worthwhile message, and the emotional core of the movie is largely unaffected and still resonates well. Indem Garimara die Geschichte ihrer Mutter und deren Cousinen erzhlt, verdeutlicht sie das Ausma der Grueltaten des Kolonialismus und Rassismus der weien Menschen. Buy $12.99. Deshalb wird sie von den anderen Kindern gehnselt, doch mit der Zeit werden immer mehr geboren, die ihr hnlich sehen. Der angeblichen Aufenthaltsort der Mutter ist eine Falschinformation. They'll perish for sure. Welches Thema steht im Buch nichtim Fokus? Die Handlung des Films folgt sehr eng dem Original von Doris Pilkington Garimara. Watch| Rabbit-Proof Fence Full Movie Online (2002) - Movie Online Free, Movie with subtitle. Doris Pilkington discusses how she researched and wrote her first three books, Caprice (1991), Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence (1996) and Under the Wintamarra Tree (2002) and the impetus behind them. Somit vermittelt der Zaun ihnen ein Gefhl von Liebe, Geborgenheit und Sicherheit. To make it taller, add another row above the first. Nheres zu diesem Thema erfhrst Du in der Erklrung "Stolen Generation". Teste dein Wissen mit spielerischen Quizzes. Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and
SD. Rabbit-Proof Fence er en australsk film fra 2002 instrueret af Phillip Noyce, baseret p bogen Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence af Doris Pilkington Garimara . Just be sure the rabbits arent already in your yard before you install it or you may have them forever in your garden! Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap Eines Morgens, als die drei fr kurze Zeit unbeobachtet sind, fassen sie ihren Mut zusammen und flchten. A renewed debate about historical accuracy provides an opportunity to re-watch a landmark Australian film. Wie Du aus dem Zitat entnehmen kannst, ist sich Mrs. Flanagan sicher, dass die Mdchen die Reise nach Hause nicht berleben werden. This programme is not currently available on BBC iPlayer. Geprfte Erklrungen zu allen Themen in der Schule, Alles was du brauchst fr ein erfolgreiches Studium, Lernmaterialien fr bessere Noten in der Berufsschule. "The natives must be helped," he pleads compellingly to the women. Just confirm how you got your ticket. Youll also need to buy posts and clips to secure the fencing. So wurden sie im Laufe der Zeit immer weiter von ihrem Land verdrngt, ihre Jagdrouten wurden zerstrt und letztendlich hing ihr berleben sogar in groen Teilen von den Essensgaben der Weien ab. This fence isnt the cheapest; a set of three panels spanning six feet can cost more than $13 per foot. In 2005 the British Film Institute included it in the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. Given this backdrop, we might expect the film's title to be metaphorical, and indeed it is - though not necessarily in the way we might expect. Another option is coated welded fence wire, like the Everbilt PVC Rabbit Guard Garden Fence. You'll also need to buy posts and clips to secure the fencing. Richtig oder falsch: Das Buch wird aus der dritten Person erzhlt. Kenneth Branaugh is brilliant as the adversary for the escaping gals. It's a controversial film based on the true story. Does it reflect the ambivalence of an at least we are doing something attitude, even if that something is ineffective? But in large part the fence represents the futility and inadvertent cruelty of Nevilles policies. Library Board Award for Innovation and Collaboration, 003572D Two men and a car near Rabbit Proof Fence 1940, 011922D Watson's Well a noted landmark on the Rabbit Proof Fence 1932, The National Films and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA, Rabbit proof fence Wheatbelt, kwongan, Acacia resinomarginea, Bonnie Rock. Year of Release: 2005. Wudgebulla ist eine Bezeichnung fr Menschen, die nicht zu den Aborigines gehren, wie beispielsweise Menschen mit weier Hautfarbe. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. I also really enjoyed the subtle changes we see in the mysterious character of The Tracker (played with wonderfully restrained power by David Gulpilil), as his dogged pursuit of the girls eventually gives way to a dawning admiration. Based on the book 'Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence', this is the true story of three Aboriginal girls who were forcibly removed from their parents in North West Australia to the notorious Moore River Settlement 1,600 kilometres south and their extraordinary journey back home. Auf der anderen Seite verdeutlicht die Flucht, wie sehr die Mdchen selbstbestimmt und im Einklang mit ihrer Kultur, ihrer Sprache und gemeinsam mit ihren Familien leben mchten. ), and "Rabbit-Proof Fence" is the best of the bunch. Sie werden auf eine weite Reise zu einem Erziehungsheim namens Moore River Native Settlement geschickt, wo sie ihre gebrtige Kultur und Sprache ablegen und sich stattdessen der weien Kultur anpassen mssen. Tuesday 24 January, 8:45pm on NITV / Streaming after broadcast at SBS On Demand, PGAustralia, 2002Genre:History, AdventureLanguage:Aboriginal, EnglishDirector:Phillip NoyceStarring:Everlyn Sampi,Tianna Sansbury, Laura Monaghan,Kenneth Branagh, Deborah Mailman, David Gulpilil. Sie alle sprachen die gleiche Sprache, die ebenfalls als Mardudjara bezeichnet wird. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. He says things like In spite of himself, the native must be helped. He believes his actions are necessary to preserve Aboriginal culture, not to destroy it, even as the children imprisoned at Moore River are punished for talking in their native language. Their abduction is justified by Chief Protector of Aborigines A.O. Februar 2008 hielt der damalige Premierminister Kevin Rudd eine Rede, in die er sich stellvertretend fr das Leid, dass den einheimischen Familien durch australische Behrden angetan wurden, entschuldigt. In particular, the performances by the young leads, the beautiful cinematography, and the wise, uncluttered script made this a strong cinematic experience for me. Gracie trennt sich von der Gruppe, um ihre Mutter in Wiluna aufzusuchen. Bist Du Dir nicht mehr sicher, welche Erzhlperspektiven es gibt? Directors Phillip Noyce Starring Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, Kenneth Branagh Genres Drama, Adventure Subtitles None available Length: 2 hr. Rabbit-Proof Fence - PDF Free Download Rabbit-Proof Fence Home Rabbit-Proof Fence . One fence extended for over 1,000 miles down Australia's western coast. Meanwhile, Neville realizes he can no longer afford the search for Molly and Daisy and decides to end it. In closing, Molly says that she and Daisy " are never going back to that place". 807.75 MB. Was soll den Mdchen im Erziehungsheim beigebracht werden? Just as the girls only traverse along two of the three rabbit-proof fences, the audience only receives a glimpse of the third perspective on white Australias treatment of indigenous Australians vicious abuse. As Larissa Behrendt notes (in her book on the film), this is the film that took the story of the stolen generations to the world. Australia had only abandoned its relocation program some three decades earlier, and despite the release of the Bringing them home report, the government at the time led by John Howard evinced no interest in apologising to Australias indigenous population. But before you shop, consider these factors: Poultry fencing, also called chicken wire fencing, is a budget-friendly option for keeping out rabbits. Sie glaubt, sie seien dafr zu jung, zu schlecht vorbereitet, und htten nicht genug Kenntnisse ber das Land, um zurckzukehren. Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence Character List These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. For example, when the girls first encounter it on their trek to Jigalong, they embrace it passionately and we cut to a shot of their mother (Ningali Lawford), holding the fence herself, hundreds of kilometres way. Home Outdoors Yard & Garden Structures Fences. At a time when it was Australian government policy to train aboriginal children as . Garimara machte eine Ausbildung zur Krankenschwester und wurde Mutter von sechs Kindern. Or is the film showing us that although some white Australians in the 1930s might have wanted to help the Aboriginal families being torn apart, they too felt powerless in the fact of the Act and the power of the authorities?. Tap "Sign me up" below to receive our weekly newsletter Um die Geschichte ihrer Mutter so detailgetreu wie mglich wiederzugeben, hat Garimara einerseits viel recherchiert, andererseits zahlreiche Interviews mit ihrer Mutter sowie deren Cousine Daisy gefhrt. One for you, one for me, and one for both of us! But films representing the plight of the stolen generations remain rare unsurprising given the controversial nature of the issue. Die Mdchen nehmen mit ihrer Flucht nicht nur die Gefahren der weiten Heimreise auf sich, sondern auch die Strafen, die sie erwarten wrden, falls man sie erwischt. 2 fence, heading west, and suggesting a shortcut to reach the northward fence and home. The realistic portrayal can be disturbing to some people but are the ultimate truth of what the British people were thinking- Eugenics in a wrong way. In Western Australia, 1931, the small depot of Jigalong sits on the edge of the Gibson Desert. Because this wire is thicker and stronger than most poultry fencing, it should prevent rabbits from crawling under it. Molly and the girls must then elude the authorities on a dangerous 1,500-mile adventure along the rabbit-proof fence that bisects the continent and will lead them home. By 1896 it had been found as far west as Eucla and 200 kilometres further west at Twilight Cove, near Esperance. The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth: Season 8, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Season 1, Link to Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Link to The Most Anticipated TV & Streaming Shows of March 2023. The dust-covered child stood out amongst her darker playmates. Wie heit das Erziehungsheim, in das die Mdchen geschickt werden? Aboriginal people are shown to have strong willpower and stamina thanks to the director. It's a wonder they didn't catch a cold. If you already have a chain link fence but the rabbits easily shimmy under it, install Dig Defense Small/Medium Animal Barriers along the bottom. 2023 State Library of Western Australia. Depending on the situation, the rabbit fence . Melde dich an fr Notizen & Bearbeitung. Black-coated poultry fencing will make it less visible. Dieses Zitat aus "Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence" (1996) von der Autorin Doris Pilkington Garimara verdeutlicht Dir in wenigen Stzen die Bedeutung und das Ausma der langen Reise, die die Protagonistinnen des Buches zurcklegen. Author: Pilkington Doris 336 downloads 1370 Views 241KB Size Report This content was uploaded by our users and we assume good faith they have the permission to share this book. Select movie quality . Rabbit-Proof Fence (Australia 2002) - YouTube 0:00 / 4:49 Rabbit-Proof Fence (Australia 2002) SammyRice 256 subscribers 734 273K views 8 years ago The opening scene of the film. Die Stolen Generation bezieht sich auf die Kinder der Aborigines, die zwischen 1905 bis 1967 von der australischen Regierung ihren Familien entrissen und in Erziehungsheime gebracht wurden. Rabbit-Proof Fence ended up doing excellent numbers at the box office in Australia and overseas, winning best film at the Australian Film Institute awards and earning strong reviews from local and . Neville. Over a thousand miles away in Perth, the official Protector of Western Australian Aborigines, A. O. Neville (called Mr. Devil by them), signs an order to relocate the three girls to the Moore River Native Settlement. Molly und Daisy mssen den Rest des Weges alleine fortsetzen. In 1931, three half-white, half-Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their houses to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a journey across the Outback.In 1931, three half-white, half-Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their houses to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a journey across the Outback.In 1931, three half-white, half-Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their houses to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a journey across the Outback. SBS World Movies Highlights: 22 - 28 February, Stream these fabulous LGBTIQA+ films for Sydney WorldPride, Wheel Of Fortune And Fantasy: an anthology of small wonders, 'The Bureau' star Sara Giraudeau talks texting and French comedy 'The Speech', Relive the best of the fest with the MIFF Shorts Collection. Zippity Roger Rabbit White Vinyl Picket Fence panels are a great option if you want the classic look of a white picket fence to protect your garden from rabbits. For an easily installed fence that looks like wrought iron, theres the Zippity Outdoor Products Metal Garden Fence. And the three of them with just dresses on. Molly Craig: Perfect. Sie unterteilen sich in verschiedene Vlker die teilweise unterschiedliche Sprachen sprechen. Whrend sie zunehmend Land von den Ureinwohner*innen einnehmen, zwingen sie diese auch in groen Teilen, ihre eigenen Traditionen, Kulturen sowie Sprache aufzugeben und sich stattdessen der Kultur weier Menschen anzupassen. "Long way" sums up rather understatedly what was, without a doubt, one of the longest walks in the history of the Australian outback. As the holder of degrees from Purdue University in both horticulture and computer technology, she spent over three decades making a living in healthcare IT while making a life in her garden. We wont be able to verify your ticket today, but its great to know for the future. Watch 'Rabbit-Proof Fence' Tuesday 24 January, 8:45pm on NITV / Streaming after broadcast at SBS On Demand PG Australia, 2002 Genre: History, Adventure Language: Aboriginal, English Director: Phillip Noyce Starring: Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, Laura Monaghan, Kenneth Branagh, Deborah Mailman, David Gulpilil Retracing the Rabbit Proof Fence Als sie sich ihrer Heimat nhern, erfhrt Gracie, dass ihre Mutter mittlerweile in Wiluna lebt, und bricht alleine auf, um sie zu finden. Stretching 1166 kilometres from Point Ann on the south coast through Cunderdin, 150 kilometres east of Perth, the new fence joined the original fence line at Gum Creek in the Murchison area. Daisy Kadibil died in April, aged 95. Rabbit-Proof Fence (2,629) 1 h 34 min 2002 7+ In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff and set off on a trek across the Outback. PerthCulturalCentre, British producer Jeremy Thomas, who has a long connection with Australia, was executive producer of the film, selling it internationally through his sales arm, HanWay Films. The Rabbit-Proof Fence has in recent years become synonymous with the Stolen Generation through the 2002 film of the same name which explored the subject of Aboriginal children being forcibly removed from their parents by racist colonial government policy. Although the rabbit-proof fence exists to this day, in the 1950s the government introduced myxomatosis (a disease that affects rabbits) to Australia in a successful attempt to devastate the continent's rabbit population. Die beiden wurden wie ihre Mutter damals zum Moore River Native Settlement geschickt, um sich dort der weien Kultur anzupassen. Molly and Daisy soon walk after her and find her at a train station. Regie fhrte Phillip Noyce und das Drehbuch schrieb Christine Olsen. Sollten die Mdchen erwischt werden, drohen ihnen schwere Strafen. Once you select Rent you'll have 14 days to start watching the movie and 48 hours to finish it. The distance created between the audience and Molly, Daisy and Gracie betrays Rabbit-Proof Fences intention to reflect upon the ways in which Australias white population failed its native peoples. Australian drama set in the 1930s about three mixed-race girls taken from their mother by the government and sent to a . Garimaras Mutter Molly wurde ebenfalls spter zurck ins Camp geschickt, schaffte es jedoch erneut, gemeinsam mit Anabelle zu entkommen. Coming Soon. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Watson's Well a noted landmark on the Rabbit Proof Fence in 1932. The fencing features a galvanized coating for added durability and to help prevent rusting and corrosion. It is the true story of three Aborigine children Molly and Daisy and their cousin, Gracie who in 1931 were taken forcibly from their mothers and their home in Jigalong in the north of Australia and moved to the Moore River Native Settlement over a thousand miles away. Dass sie dieses hohe Risiko eingehen, verdeutlicht Dir als Leser*in zwei wichtige Aspekte. Nie wieder prokrastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. The site's consensus states, "Visually beautiful and well-acted, Rabbit-Proof Fence tells a compelling true-life story. Polly Martin One of the girls at the Moore River Native Settlement. Sammle Punkte und erreiche neue Levels beim Lernen. Sie macht darber hinaus deutlich, welchen Einfluss die Kolonialisierung auf die Geschichte Australiens und somit auf die Vlker der Ureinwohner*innen hat, die bis heute fr Gerechtigkeit kmpfen. Auerdem wurde ihnen der Kopf kahl geschoren, bevor man sie vor den Augen der anderen auspeitschte. 2. Mongrel bedeutet Mischlingshund. Andrew Bolt sneered at what he regarded as untruths and exaggerations and Aboriginal leaders who falsely claim they were stolen. Dass die Mdchen von dort aus ausbrechen und damit zahlreiche Gefahren auf sich nehmen, nur um wieder zu ihren Familien zurckzukehren, zeigt ihre Verbundenheit zu ihrer Herkunft und Kultur. That may not be high enough to keep out the most determined rabbits. Das Volk lebt mittlerweile nur noch vereinzelt im ganzen Land verteilt und hat mit Hungersnten zu kmpfen, da die meisten ihrer Jagdrouten von den Weien kontrolliert werden. '. Dem Rabbit-Proof Fence, der durch das ganze Land verluft, kommt dabei eine wichtige Bedeutung zu: Er dient den Mdchen nicht nur als Orientierung auf dem Weg nach Hause, sondern symbolisiert auch den schlechten Umgang der weien Kolonisator*innen mit dem Land und seinen Menschen. Auch der sdafrikanische Comedian Trevor Noah erlebte einen hnlichen Konflikt aufgrund seiner hellen Hautfarbe. It stretched 1834 kilometres from the south coast to the northwest coast, along a line north of Burracoppon, 230 kilometres east of Perth. He plans to place the girls in a camp where they, along with all half-castes of that age range, both boys and girls, will grow up. Privacy Policy Another interesting link is a video featuring Shirley Lomas, a descendant of the Gamilaroai and Waka Waka Aboriginal nations talking to the produce of Rabbit-Proof Fence about her experience as a Stolen Generation survivor. Construction of the Number 1 Rabbit Proof Fence began in 1901. By creating an account, you agree to the She picks Molly, Gracie, and Daisy up in Fremantle and transports them to the settlement. Aus diesem Wunsch schpfen sie die Tapferkeit und den Mut, um den weiten, gefhrlichen Weg zurck auf sich zu nehmen. However, this fence is just two feet tall. Gleichzeitig hat sich in Jigalong ein Zentrum fr Ureinwohner*innen gebildete. Die Rede ist heute bekannt als "The National Apology". Matron Campbell A brusque woman who works at the Moore River Native Settlement. The painting songs sung by the Walpiri, Amatjere and Wangajunka women were "Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence" wird aus der dritten Person erzhlt. Starring: Kenneth Branagh, David Gulpilil, Deborah Mailman Watch all you want. Rabbit-Proof Fence whose fictionalised elements are all drawn from the accounts of other members of the stolen generations undeniably played a role in shifting the national conversation around the stolen generations. Als sie gemeinsam mit Molly und Gracie die lange Reise antritt, erweist sie sich als uerst anpassungsfhig und robust. [7], The film received positive reviews from critics. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. The girls' only hope is to find the rabbit-proof fence that will take them back to their villages and their mother. Sie denkt, sie msse die drei vor ihrem eigenen Schicksal bewahren, und sie daher den Behrden melden. We recommend our users to update the browser. And to cap it all off, the closing real-life footage and text postscript leaves the audience feeling simultaneously devastated and triumphant. Tells the true story of three aboriginal girls who are forcibly taken from their families in 1931 to be trained as domestic servants as part of an official Australian government policy. Auf dem langen, beschwerlichen Weg zurck entpuppt sich Molly als die Anfhrerin der Gruppe. (This is not an isolated incident: the Bringing them home report noted that 17% of females removed from their families experienced sexual assault in either the institutions or foster families they were placed in. After all, his policies would endure for many more decades to come; even Mollys own daughters would be taken by the system. . Das Erziehungsheim gleicht einem Gefngnis; die Betten in den dunklen Schlafrumen sind hart und unbequem, die Erzieher*innen sind sehr streng und bestrafen die Mdchen mit Peitschenhieben, wenn sie sich nicht benehmen. [11], Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence, Protector of Western Australian Aborigines, The Premier's Young People's History Prize, Film Critics Circle of Australia Nominations, Camerimage2002 International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, "Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002): Curator's notes", "Historian's Aboriginal claims a distortion, says author", "Film Critics Circle of Australia website", "Castellinaria International Festival of Young Cinema", "Durban International Film Festival website", "Edinburg International Film Festival website", "Leeds International Film Festival website", "The National Board of Review, USA website", "San Francisco Film Critics Circle website", "Valladolid International Film Festival website", "So Paulo International Film Festival website", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rabbit-Proof_Fence&oldid=1134750086, Film Scriptthe Pacific Film and Television Commission Award (Christine Olsen), Best Sound (Bronwyn Murphy, Craig Carter, Ricky Edwards, John Penders), Best ScreenplayAdapted (Christine Olsen), Audience Award, Audience Favourite Feature, People's Choice Award: Best Feature-Length Fiction Film (Phillip Noyce), Special Citation (Phillip Noyce, also for, Audience Award: Best Foreign Film (Phillip Noyce), Audience Award: Feature Film (Phillip Noyce), Director of the Year (Phillip Noyce, also for, Best Editing (Veronika Jenet, John Scott), Best Screenplay Adapted from Another Source (Christine Olsen), Golden Globe: Best Original ScoreMotion Picture (.