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Health refers to a state of well-being that is culturally defined and valued by a designated culture. Nevertheless, the greatest significance of the theory is to shift nurses from traditional ethnocentric perceptions to enriching multicultural nursing practices to improve the efficiency of administering special care to patients (Butts & Rich, 2010). To become culturally competent nurses must require preparation and must undertake a course of theoretical study which gives them the ability to carry out etho-science research, culture based assessment and develop the cultural sensitivity required to design and implement culturally relevant nursing interventions (Leininger, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1995, 1998, 2002). Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger. This theory differed from other nurses' work or mindset because nurse leaders relied heavily up on the four metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health, and . The background to her work was derived in an essential way from, and in embedded in, anthropology and the concept of care is drawn from nursing. Leininger acknowledges that the reason she met opposition regarding her theory was as a result of nursing adhering to the medical model which only valued the biophysical and the psychological aspects of humans (Leininger, 1995). Evaluation of the concepts of nursing metaparadigm reinforces and highlights each . "Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger." The USA has a modern history of settlement by immigrants from Europe, Britain and Ireland (Ward, 2003). The Transcultural Nursing Theory (TNT) or Culture Care Theory (CCT) is a concept of cultural values and beliefs within a nursing field founded by Madeleine Leininger. The way in which people perceive different cultures may be considered true to them and not true to someone else. White (2004) states, what is count as the truth is constantly contested, but what is not usually contested is that there is truth to be found (p.10). Essential features of the transcultural nursing theory by Madeleine Leininger. Therefore, it is essential to consider the fundamental role of communication and accommodation to gain insight from the patient on his cultural background. I think that her assumptions of truth could be viewed from a positivism perspective due to her need for scientific proof to underpin her thinking as she was concerned with the cataloging of the beliefs and practices of various minority ethnic groups as per her research, her articles and her books. These four are collectively referred to as metaparadigm for nursing. Leiningers Review onFour Nursing Metaparadigm(1997) Concept of Nursing First, Leininger considers nursing a discipline and a profession, and the term nursing thus cannot explain the phenomenon of nursing. Transcultural Nursing : Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice. Read more in this paragraph please. $77.00 $ 77. Leiningers model makes the following assumptions: The Culture Care Theory defines nursing as a learned scientific and humanistic profession that focuses on human care phenomena and caring activities in order to help, support, facilitate, or enable patients to maintain or regain health in culturally meaningful ways, or to help them face handicaps or death. Madeleine Leininger's Culture Care Theory . The CCT has a worldwide implementation and value since it influenced the development of other modified disciplines. Objectives Leininger's Background View of the four nursing metaparadigms Concepts specific for transcultural nursing theory Propositions of the theory Analysis and Critique of the theory Implications for nursing, practice, education, and research Entirely, patients in the RCU rely on nurses. July 13, 1925 Dr. Madeleine M. Leininger was born in Sutton, Nebraska. The Transcultural Nursing theory first appeared in Leiningers Culture Care Diversity and Universality, published in 1991, but it was developed in the 1950s. Jeffreys (2008) reveals that the theory has sometimes led to the formulation of imprecise clinical decisions, especially where nurses fail to draw clear inferences about cultural congruence. (Purnell & Paulanka, 2003; Geiger & Davidhizar, 2002; Papadopoulos, Tilki & Ayling, 2008; Andrews & Boyle, 2002; Spector, 2000; Camphina-Bacote, 1999). The core principle of the theory implies understanding and acceptance of everybodys background since it might be a determining factor in ones health status. Copyright 2023 Alice Petiprin, StudyCorgi. The conceptualisation of these concepts in nursing situations has enabled nurses realise the importance of integrating anthropological concepts in nursing contexts in an attempt to derive the best nursing practices for culturally diverse patients. Joyce Fitzpatrick 14. In fact, these cultural valuation techniques pose the risk of time shortcomings where patient cases demand urgency. Advances in technology help us communicate with the other side of the world in less than a blink of an eye. 1 Running head: TRANSCULTURAL NURSING 23 TRANSCULTURAL NURSING Transcultural Nursing Culture of Care by Madeleine Leininger Gabrel Crabb, Koleen Dumindin, Deborah Edokpayi, Javier Enriquez, Simone Gordon, & Heather Hammaker South University NSG5002- Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing Week 4, Assignment 2 Dr. She grew up on a farm near the city with her two brothers and two sisters. Metaparadigm. Finally, using cultural knowledge to treat a patient also helps a nurse to be open minded to treatments that can be considered non-traditional, such as spiritually based therapies like meditation and anointing. She had four brothers and sisters, they lived on a farm. Leiningers theory was used as a framework for designing teaching modules that enable a transcultural education to healthcare providers, as well as staff personnel. from 1961 to 1995, a lecturer from 1965 to 1995, a consultant from 1971 to 1992, and a leader in the field of. The theory holds that the assimilation of religious and cultural rites into the care plan can profoundly determine the recovery of the patient. The concepts of Dr. Leininger's Theory In response to the question: How does your theory rely upon the four nursing paradigms of person, environment, health, and nursing, Dr Leininger replied: "The four nursing paradigms are too restrictive for open discovery about culture and care". There can be no curing without caring. Madeleine Leininger gained prominence all over the world in the field of cultural care. Leiningers theory developed into a nursing discipline as a fundamental approach to nursing practice and a better understanding of health care delivery. The TNT is effective in transforming the caregivers practice that was previously less concentrated on patient diversity. And therefore Leiningers Culture Care theory focused on the missing phenomena of culture and care as these concepts needed to be discovered in order to comprehend the full nature of nursing (Leininger et al, 2006). In which she frequently referred to people of different ethnic origins (p.107), people of color and ethnic groups of color (Leininger, 1978, p.451). This is especially important since so many peoples culture is so integral in who they are as individuals, and it is that culture that can greatly affect their health, as well as their reactions to treatments and care. (2022, April 16). Thus a metaparadigm can be thought of as an overarching principle or umbrella covering our outlook that defines our practice. Instead, the nurse anthropologist talks about worldviews, social constructions, and societal contexts (Butts & Rich, 2010). Thus all care modalities require coparticipation of the nurse and clients (consumers) working together to identify, plan, implement, and evaluate each caring mode for culturally congruent nursing care. All Rights Reserved, Nursing Theories and a Philosophy of Nursing, A Statistical Look at Patient-Centered Care, Nemours Brings Nursing Opportunities to Central Florida, How Have the Sequester Cuts Affected Nursing and Health Care, Transcultural Nursing : Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice, Culture Care Diversity & Universality: A Worldwide Nursing Theory (Cultural Care Diversity (Leininger)), Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Theory of Nursing, Madeleine Leininger: Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory (Notes on Nursing Theories), Care, Discovery and Uses in Clinical and Community Nursing (Human Care & Health Series), Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, & Practices, Care: The Essence of Nursing and Health (Human Care : Essentials for Nursing, Well-Being and Survival), Reference Sources for Transcultural Health and Nursing. Margaret Newman 16. As a nurse, it is important to take an inventory of ourselves . The results from the concept help me draw central conclusions that relate the recovery of the patients to their cultural backgrounds (Jeffreys, 2008). This occurrence of traditional nursing interventions in a modern and complex society necessitated the need for the development of holistic nursing techniques to address the needs and behaviours of diverse cultures. $ 4.99 - $ 5.59. In the 1950s, nurses in the United States of America began to develop and use structured theory. Critical theory, feminist theory, and epistemologies of color now had influence and challenged many long held beliefs about the validity, reliability and objectivity of interpretations previously believed to be accurate, Many critical ethnographers have replaced the grand positivist vision of speaking from a historically and culturally situated standpointbecause all standpoints represent particular interests and positions and are partial (Foley & Valenzuela, 2005, p.218). Canada is a country that is differentiated by a tradition of continued and changing settlement. Labelling by ethnicity is a position fundamental to Leiningers work (Leininger, 1988). Use discount. The Transcultural Nursing Theory, or CCT, aims at obtaining a comprehensive knowledge of the care issue that concerns the cultural expectations of the patients. John Diefenbaker, prime minister of Canada (1957-1963). Nursing is a transcultural, humanistic, and scientific care discipline and profession with the central purpose to serve human beings worldwide. Biography of Madeleine Leininger. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Ultimately, the combination of the CCT and the JHNEBP, together with a didactic module, connected several elements that contributed to the development of a pilot program for cultural assessment and staff education, as the core of the cultural competence. Madeleine Leininger (Transcultural Theory) Theoretical Foundations in Nursing - Interpersonal Relationship Theories and Theorists University University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Course Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Academic year2020/2021 Helpful? Leininger like Watson also viewed caring as the essence of nursing and unique to the profession. In the Culture Care theory health is predicted as an outcome of using and knowing culturally based care, rather than biophysical or medical procedures and treatments (Leininger et al, 2006, p.10). 5 Pages. Butts, J.B. & Rich, K.L. Lastly, cultural congruence is a formalist concept that builds on cultural dynamism. Out of Stock. Leininger's theory describes nursing as a powerful practice that focuses on the cultural attributes and perspectives of targeted clients. At the same year, the University of Cincinnati absorbed her to work as an Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate Programme in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and Psychology (Jeffreys, 2008). Leininger explicitly defined the conceptual framework for her culture care theory. These include religion, economics, education, technology, politics, kinship, ethnohistory, environment, language, and generic care and professional care factors that impact the culture care meanings, expressions, and patterns in different cultures. Today, Canadas population represents citizens who originate from more than 150 different countries, who speak over 100 languages and practice over several religions. She suggests the use of the term human being as it is more accepted transculturally and carries respect and dignity for people and I agree with her (Leininger et al, 2006). It begins with a culturalogical assessment, which takes the patients cultural background into consideration in assessing the patient and his or her health. Leininger stands firm and believes it is care and caring knowledge and actions that can explain and head to the health or wellbeing of people in different or similar cultures (Leininger et al, 2006, p. 11). This metaparadigm concept relates to the Leininger theory of culture care as it is focused on the modification of environmental factors to achieve better health. The presentation of the model correlates with the anthropological concepts that help nurses elucidate knowledge about multicultural beliefs, values, norms, and practices. Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger. Moreover, the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model (JHNEBP) is the practical model for applying evidence-based research into clinical practice (McFarland, & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015). Culturally congruent nursing care can only happen when the patient, family, or community values, expressions, or patterns are known and used appropriately, and in meaningful ways by the nurse with the people. Ethical and Moral Dimensions of Care (Human Care and Health Series) Madeleine Leininger. (2022) 'Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger'. All work is written to order. In addition, Leiningers nursing theory fails to provide a lucid insight into disease symptoms and the processes of administering cure. Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag. Leininger became an Associate . The evaluation of individuals in the process of cultural analysis forces the nurse to seek inherent cultural knowledge and values that exist within the client. In transcultural nursing, nurses practice according to the patients cultural considerations. It explains the interaction between the provider of culture care and the patient (Jeffreys, 2008). Well write a 100%plagiarism-free paper this fast! Through this manner an appreciation for the similarities and differences of the culturally varied approaches to health can occur. The metaparadigm is a conceptual framework or an idea-map about how something works. The Role Of Theory And Practice Facilitated By Reflection Nursing Essay. 12. The CCT maintained a systematic approach for the implementation of culturally congruent care with the use of social structure dimensions and modes of care action and decision that is demonstrated in the Sunrise Enabler. Denzin and Lincoln (2008) explain how critical reflections on race, gender, class, power relations and claims to truth inspired these new forms of representation and led to a re-examination of the way in which anthropologists described their own and other peoples experiences. Nola Pender: The individual, who is the primary focus of the model (p. 216). Therefore, there is a need to embolden the study, description, and prediction of nursing phenomenon by the use of congruent cultural nursing care practices. View -Order__802267.docx from BUSINESS S BBA/041J/2 at Technical University of Mombasa. The following analysis of the theory, its conceptual model, incorporation with the four metaparadigm concepts, and the evidence-based examples facilitate a better understanding of the CCT and, hence, its successful implementation in the nursing practice. Leininger later developed the Sunrise Model; (1991). April 16, 2022. Apparently, nurses also come from diverse world cultures. First of all, it helps nurses to be aware of ways in which the patients culture and faith system provide resources for their experiences with illness, suffering, and even death. Explains dugas, esson, and ronaldson's nursing . Caring is an action or activity directed towards providing care. 4.4/5 on NursingBird. As defined by a theorist herself, nursing is a learned humanistic and scientific profession which is focused on human care phenomena and activities (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, p. 20). They expect the best care practices for them to regain their health. This power imbalance is discussed in depth within critical theory (Campesino, 2008). From its beginning, transcultural nursing has existed within a framework of race and ethnicity, with the fundamental promise that the term culture refers primarily, if not exclusively to ethnicity. There are the original inhabitants; the Aboriginal people, as well as the more socially dominant Anglo-Canadian population, descendants of the settlers who came here from countries in Europe during the colonial era and in more recent times, immigrants who have arrived from a range of countries across the globe. Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing theory. Running Head: NURSE THEORIS, MADELEINE LEININGER Institutional Affiliation Student's Affiliation Date 1 NURSE (Fawcett,2002). We believe that this overview of the context lived by Leininger and her influences for the construction of a theory internationally accepted can be useful to whoever desires to apply it for the. Madeleine Leininger (July 13, 1925 - August 10, 2012) Developed the Transcultural Nursing Theory Metaparadigm Person - Caring beings capable of being concerned about, holding interest in, or having personal regard for other people's needs, well-being, and survival. It involves the understanding of different cultures when . During her work at a child-guidance home, she experienced . Research and writing became more reflexive and researchers sought new methods. xY6}WL+.yk>uQAvZVr$9~P?CD(Zg}o_)%qJ#N%o8 Culture refers to learned, shared, and transmitted values, beliefs, norms, and lifeways to a specific individual or group that guide their thinking, decisions, actions, and patterned ways of living. 1. Lydia Hall . Undoubtedly, these cultural factors change with time due to modernity and influence. Pfeffer (1998) explains this positivist approach to ethnicity in which facts are observed and boxes are ticked off (p.1382). In the third edition of Transcultural Nursing, published in 2002, the theory-based research and the application of the Transcultural theory are explained. and is a Registered Nurse. The integration of anthropological concepts in nursing contexts shifted the nursing standpoint in the past half a century. A metaparadigm is the most general statement of discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop. Leininger describes them as, emic knowledge was the natural, local, indigenous root care values. As such, I wonder to what extent Leininger compensated or thought about this influence. madeleine leininger introduced her cultural care diversity and universality theory. This essay should not be treated as an authoritative source of information when forming medical opinions as information may be inaccurate or out-of-date. Kindle. From her studies in anthropology, Leiningers theory of cultural care was published in 1967 and over a 40 year plan it has been further developed and refined. Classifications of ethnicity employ mechanisms such as skin color, religion, name, nationality, anything which allows a marker to be developed and people assigned to it in the interests of determining who they are and how we must respond to them and their needs. Moreover, the truth is determined according to knowledge that has been sanctioned by Euro-Western standards and claimed by experts (p. 73). Within hectic nursing everyday work, many situations might pose cultural challenges to the nurse. Environment Caring is a crucial concept to the delivery of holistic nursing services to tuberculosis patients. Info: 5614 words (22 pages) Nursing Essay The transcultural concept serves as a rationale for gathering valuable information about the correlation between their health and cultural perceptions. I learnt that culture was a significant influence on behaviorsand I began to understand the important links between nursing and anthropology (p.23). The environmental context also includes the ecological, spiritual, sociopolitical, kinship, environmental symbols, and technological dimensions and gives clues about its influences on culture, care expressions, ways of life, health, wellbeing and patterns of living for individuals, families and communities. MADELEINE LEININGER -Naci el 13 Julio de 1925 en Sutton, Nebraska- Muri el 10 de agosto de 2012. 132 0 obj <> endobj 145 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<671B5631295C054CE5C19D2AAF63FFB5>]/Index[132 26]/Info 131 0 R/Length 76/Prev 305860/Root 133 0 R/Size 158/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream abstract. Nursing means to assist, support, or enable individuals or groups to maintain or regain their well-being in culturally meaningful and beneficial ways or to help people face handicaps or death (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, p. 20). Furthermore, the theory assumes the importance of knowledge about curing and healing. Upon graduation from Sutton High School Madeleine decided that she was going to attend college but she was unsure on which course to choose. Subsequently, the theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality emerged. "Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger." 2022, NursingBird. It has become apparent in recent years that the growing cultural diversity has challenged much of these long-established assumptions about health, illness and health care provision. The nurse from the etic or outside group can then understand the perpective of the emic group, combine it with the nursing philosophy of caring and use that to modify or vary nursing care and making it more appropriate. In the Transcultural Nursing theory, nurses have a responsibility to understand the role of culture in the health of the patient. This is a cognitive map to support and guide nursing practice. Madeleine Leininger. The idea of culture stems from an anthropological setting while the concept of care springs from a nursing context. Critical theory recognizes that, nursing science and practice involves examining ways in which categories of social difference are constructed and operate in structural systems of privilege and power (Campesino, 2009, p. 300). The second theoretical tenet implies worldviews and social structure factors. While transcultural concepts seek the knowledge about the cultural background, ethnonursing concepts enable the nurse analyse the specific cultural factors by relating them to the patients health (Butts & Rich, 2010). With that said, by providing culturally congruent care that is respectful towards various cultural beliefs, values, and practices, one might obtain the moral and ethical responsibility in terms of professional care. Leininger (1970) acknowledged the influence of anthropology on her work when she wrote, nursing and anthropology are inified in a single specific and unitary whole (p.2). It is useful and applicable to both groups and individuals with the goal of rendering . This should motivate a need for nurses to develop cultivate and advance a deeper understanding of cultural diversity, due to its potential effect on the delivery of nursing care specifically and the consequences for healthcare (no ref). As such, the CCT highlights care and culture as they were the missing phenomena in the metaparadigm concept. It requires a very extensive geophysical and social knowledge. The map highlights the core aspects with the use of the CCT model situated within the constructivist qualitative paradigm, as well as the ethno-nursing research. Someone and someone describe the gradual move toward a cross-cultural approach to nursing practice in Canada as a deep form of change and this paper will demonstrate the current position of nursing in Canada towards providing adequate and appropriate cultural care and explores the future of cross cultural nursing care. it consists of being open-minded and having non-judgmental views. Leiningers culture care theory describes three of the four metaparadigms of nursing, namely people, nursing, and health. Leiningers Culture Care Theory finds its applicability in my nursing occupation. The concept of Leinginger's Transcultural theory considers not only the global application and definition of nursing, but considers the particular component of transculturalism wherein the concept, scope and purpose of the theory lies in the more details incorporation of culture for nursing care. Rajan (1995) explains that existentialism gives an account of how an individual consciousness apprehends existence (p. 452). However the field of anthropology has undergone a radical transformation of idea and has changes its position significantly over the last 20 yeas regarding patient representation (Marcus and Fischer, 1989). She advocated that nursing is a humanistic and scientific mode of helping a client through specific cultural caring processes (cultural values, beliefs and practices) to improve or maintain a health condition. A humanist perspective emphasizes notions of equality and individual freedom, and operates on an assumption of human commonality among people (Campesino, 2008, p. 299). It seems to me that she is comparing the other culture to her own. The Transcultural Nursing Theory (TNT) or Culture Care Theory (CCT) is a concept of cultural values and beliefs within a nursing field founded by Madeleine Leininger. Emic refers to the beliefs, values, practices, and knowledge that belong to patients, while etic refers to the same factors but concerning . It continues to be challenging for nurses in Canada and other Anglocentric counties, to find ways to accommodate the divergent and often unfamiliar social beliefs, values and life practices that have no become a part of the new social fabric of their communities. Nursing theories hold that individuals with diverse cultural origins may have varied needs for health. The interrelatedness between these concepts conceives sound nursing decisions for the treatment of patients. Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only.