North Tyneside Council Building Control, Fannie Mae Final Inspection Requirements, Hannah And Nick Come Dine With Me, Articles I

143. Mudge,American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book, iv. Nina M. Versaggi, Director, Public Archaeology Facility, Binghamton University, Personal communication to author, September 13, 2013. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, 543. Joseph Smith letter to Emma Smith, Nov.12, 1838, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri. 7. This brought tension between the communities. Shell-edged creamware plate fragment, found on Hale Farm. Isaac Hale worked for the Pickering family over the next few years. It is also possible he drew from the general folk culture of New England and learned how to use a rod to receive revelation elsewhere. Blackman (History of Susquehanna County,88) believed John Hilborn did not arrive in the valley until 1791 to serve as an agent for Henry Drinker, who arrived shortly afterward. 196. to my great mortification & surprise I find it greately to the contrary. Early settlers referred to the place where the river entered Pennsylvania as the east bend and where it returned into New York as the west bend, while the entire river as it passed through the valley was the great bend.41 Although the valley remains officially unnamed, early residents along this great bend called it the Susquehanna Valley.42 During the twentieth century that name has generally come to refer to a much larger region that includes the entire river drainage system through upper Pennsylvania. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, 530, 532. . Photograph by Mark L. Staker. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering, 117. He also made arrangements with my son Alva Hale, to go to Palmyra, and move his (Smith's) furniture &c. to this place. After his mother died and his father remarried, Hale joined his maternal grandparents Phebe and "the enterprising Arah Ward, mill-builder and pioneer," in Waterbury, Connecticut. Robert H. Rose to Miss Jane Hodge, August 21, 1806, Robert H. Rose Papers, Box 1, Folder 2, Special Collections, Binghamton University. Mormon prophet Joseph Smith met his father-in-law, Isaac Hale, while using his peep stone in a hat to hunt for buried treasure. 49. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,4:11923; Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,95. While the missing tax records allow the second Hale home could have been built any time before October 2, 1812, it is not likely it was built too many years before that date. Enoch Mudge,The American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book(Boston: Joseph Burdakin, 1818), vii; Adam Clarke, the theologian to which many Methodist clergymen, including Emmas uncle Nathaniel Lewis, looked for insight into the scriptures, interpreted the Elect Lady mentioned in the Second Epistle of John (2 John 15) as an eminent Christian matron . Nathaniel returned to the war briefly as he enlisted a fourth time and served in Vermont.74. Her service in the Relief Society, however, achieved much more than benevolent work. In September 1830, she and Joseph moved to Fayette, New York, to live with the Whitmer family. As the turnpike squeezed between the mountains, the rough road slumped into the Susquehanna Valley descending toward the river bend with its consistent early morning fog and faint smell of wet earth. Porter, Larry C. A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 18161831. PhD diss., Brigham Young University, 1971. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 206. This is the same version that was picked up by late nineteenth century religious publications and reprinted many times.295, Alva Hale sold the rest of his parents farm to the Dayton family in 1842, and the Daytons then rented it to Peter Blodgett. Isaac was continuously taxed for a second home with the few exceptions discussed and explained in the text, until 1825 when it appears his son David Hale took over responsibility for the home. She would eventually bear nine children and adopt two others, four of whom died at birth or shortly after, and two who died as toddlers. They spend whole days in hunting & yet their houses are left in an unfinished state. Emma was born July 10, 1804, in Harmony Township, Pennsylvania, the seventh child of Elizabeth Lewis and Isaac Hale. Since nothing was entered in the column for mills while the column for occupation only recorded single men (these were non-property holders who were included under a head tax), these columns were dropped the following year and industrial sites (sawmills) were specifically listed as a line item in future tax assessments. 2. During the Panic of 1837, the Kirtland Safety Society, the banking venture that Joseph and other church leaders had set up to provide financing for the growing membership, collapsed, as did many financial institutions in the United States at that time. The only significant difference between Lucy Smiths home and Elizabeth Hales home was the location of the stairway leading to the second floor and a full second story in the Hale home rather than a half-story such as was in the Smith home. Then the elder Pickering came back to the valley to take his son away for better medical treatment. When the log home was dropped from the tax assessment, Isaac Hale continued to be taxed for a $30 frame home until his death. Colbert, Journal of the Travels of William Colbert.. These trees can change over time as users edit, remove, or otherwise modify the data in their trees. Because Cope lived in the city he was more attuned to differences in attitude between the valleys occupants and persons in a more cultivated country. He also viewed hunting as a leisure activity rather than an occupation that left little time for making ones home fancy, and he clearly overstated his case. By February they had arranged to buy the house from Jesse and the 13 1/2 acres of farmland from Emma's father, Isaac Hale. When the Lewis family arrived in Vermont, they settled in Wells Township. 315. The creek was named Lewis Creek and ran down from Turkey Hill through Jameson Hollow (now Bedbug Hollow) until it emptied into the Susquehanna River. Isaac was still working for Colonel Pickering when the Hales had Emma baptized. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,433. He was hunting deer and when near this place saw a young Panther about half grown standing on a fallen tree. Hilborn eventually purchased his freedom, but his experience gave him more familiarity with Native Americans than was typical for the period. Buck by the nape of the neck and shake him over hell until his teeth chatter like a raccoon.199, Lewiss fellow preachers viewed him as uneducated and rough while often combative against those who did not agree with him. It appears the Lewis men sided with the majority of Methodists that disapproved of divining rod use.89 Nathaniel moved to the Susquehanna in autumn 1790, and whatever existed of the Methodists in Middletown where he had lived quickly dissolved so that when Methodist preacher Laban Clark arrived in the town in 1799, the family of a Mr. : Harvard University Press, 1986), 168, 173, 22932. 4 Son of Reuben Hale and Diantha Ward. 108. But Lucy, who was not there at the time, may have misunderstood Josephs recounting the events, since Isaac Hale suggested that it was Afterthese occurrences, [when the treasure diggers abandoned the project and left, that] young Smith made several visits at my house to court his daughter. Augustus B. Easton, ed.,History of the Saint Croix Valley(Chicago: H. C. Cooper Jr. & Co., 1909), 2:1115; Commonwealth vs. Jason Treadwell, Susquehanna County Court of Oyer and Terminer, August 1824, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, Pennsylvania; Staker and Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon; Byron Hale, Reuben Hales Obituary, March 21, 1887; John Travis to Jesse and Isaac W. Hale Deed, April 30, 1827, Susquehanna County Deed Books, 6:255. I have not been able to confirm this purchase in the land deed records. Mary S. and John W. Park, present owners. This is discussed in detail below. He covered the meat with locally gathered salt to keep it from spoiling, holding it into place by heavy stones until snow covered the ground, and he could drag the meat filled troughs through the woods over the snow. After the Hale family built their own mansion during the time of the Comfort conversions, the two families had a great deal in common. George Edward Anderson, 1909. Harmony was the home of Isaac Hale, father of Smith's wife, Emma Hale. 106. Emma delivered a baby son who died soon after birth on June15, 1828, when she nearly died herself. A New Chapter, About to Be Published,Amboy Journal, April 30, 1879, 1. Robert H. Rose, letter to Miss Jane Hodge, August 20, 1808. This database contains family trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can be viewed by all Ancestry subscribers. 279. The surveyor had scarcely taken his hand from the tree, when the sharp crack of a rifle rang through the forest, and the spot where the hand had been laid was chipped by a leaden bullet, a hint that sufficed to stay all proceedings for the rest of that day.231 Despite local opposition, the surveyors finished measuring the Rose land so it could be sold, including a 90 acre segment for Isaac Hale. But the Hale family was never issued a tavern license. Arah began to build a second, larger home until the dam to his mill gave out and destroyed his home and livelihood. 20. A few visitors from Brigham Young's faction of the Latter-day Saints came from Utah Territory to visit Smith at this house. 302. Emma Hale, the sister of Elizabeth Wasson, was born in the town of Harmony, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1804. . [citation needed] She often took in young girls in need of work, giving them jobs as maids. For details about John Lewis as minister in Harmony, New York, see, Elder John Lewis, and Harmony, Feb. 22, 1826, Elial T. Foote Papers, Chautauqua County Historical Society; McClurg Museum, Westfield, New York, 2:37 and 26:137. After Jesse Hale built a home on his fathers property, Isaac was taxed for three homes until he transferred twenty-six acres of his property to Jesse, and his sons home was taxed separately. If so, it served as school, church, and residence for a period.256. The letter has one thousand eight hundred andthirteenfourteen written which is likely a correction because of a wrong year added just after the change on January 1. About this same time, another local citizen, Nathaniel Wood, who lived a little north of the Lewis family, was excluded from the congregational church, apparently because he had gotten up a new system of religious doctrine.81 In the Wood families, and especially in Nathaniel Woods family, were some of the best minds the town ever had.82 And they put their thoughts toward theology. Robert H. Rose, letter to Isaac Hale, January 2, 1810, Deeds. 163. They also dressed, grained, and tanned deer hides for their neighbors. Timothy Pickering to Rebecca White Pickering, February 21, 1808; Rebecca Pickering to Timothy Pickering Jr. March 27, 1808. This early 19th century home house the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale family. This local awakening had more in common with the Second Great Awakening that would begin in a few years, however, since it attracted the unchurched in the area until nearly all the families in the valley offered morning and evening prayers.168 Both the Hale and Lewis families were caught up in this awakening, and the parents took their one-year-old sons, Alva Hale and Levi Lewis, to Buck for baptism.169, John B. Buck, a grandson of Daniel Buck, recalled years later, after the valleys Congregationalists had transformed themselves into Presbyterians, how during the 1790s the congregation, was scattered up and down the river, in cabins. . The younger Pickering, a Harvard graduate like his father, resigned his navy commission on May 2, 1801, left Massachusetts on the stagecoach one week later, and eventually walked from the end of the turnpike, through Pennsylvanias mountains into the Susquehanna Valley and to his fathers land. Born on July 10, 1804, in Willingsborough (later Harmony), Pennsylvania, Emma Hale was the seventh of nine children of Isaac and Elizabeth Lewis Hale. Smith, and his father, with several other "money-diggers" boarded at my house while they were employed in digging for a mine that they supposed had been opened and worked by the Spaniards, many years since. 18 (October 27, 1821): 141. Isaac Hales friend and associate John Comfort consistently wrote his son Silas Comfort expressing hope that the situation would change. Along with their sons (and Hales uncles) David and John Ward, Arah and Phebe Ward took ten-year-old Isaac and set out on a 176-mile journey to establish a new life in Wells, Vermont, where Arah purchased a mill site in July 1773.19 The following summer the Wards donated ten acres for a Congregational church, and David Ward served as the Reverend.20 William Cowdery Sr. (whose grandson Oliver was born in Wells) became the deacon in their church.21, Isaac helped his grandfather build a gristmill in Wells and run it until the Revolutionary War transformed their community. 88. Jesse Hale, Harmony Tax Assessment, Susquehanna County, 1813. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,34, called it valley of the Susquehanna. And, Chaffee noted of Nathaniel Lewis that the place where he lived was called Susquehanna, Amasa Franklin Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church(New York: Eaton & Mains, 1904), 720. Children were to only address their parents with a title of respect, such as using Sir. They were to always bow when approaching their parents. 204. He likely consolidated the recent converts into specific congregations and provided some organization in the valley. A Congregational minister traveled through the region in 1789 and appointed Daniel Buck as the local pastor. Done a Methodist was because he convinced Mrs. Sherman Day,Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania(Philadelphia: George W. Gorton, 1843), 621. Hale family geographical origins. the Old School Presbyterians, and consequently tended to adopt an attitude of fatalism. Hartgen, Report, and Hartgen Archeological Field Investigations. While the site did not yield wine glasses or other drinking paraphernalia common to tavern sites, it did yield an abundance of white clay pipe stems and bowl fragments often found at tavern sites. Emma Hale Smith Bidamon (July 10, 1804 - April 30, 1879) was an American homesteader, the first wife of Joseph Smith, and a prominent leader in the early days of the Latter Day Saint movement, both during Smith's lifetime and afterward as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church). The Hale family had three boys ranging in ages from five down to one when British traveler Isaac Weld came down the river with some friends in November 1796. Since the Lewis family, as were many Methodists, had been early promoters of temperance, but did not condemn tobacco use, the artifact pattern more likely reflects their use of the site as a Methodist meeting house than a public house. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. 48. Dubois and Pike,Centennial of Susquehanna County,73. 74. Emma and her family remained rich in real estate but poor in capital. 182. Isaac Hales perception of Joseph was that he was not very well educated, he was a stranger, and he followed a business that I could not approve.312 Given the social position and wealth of the Comfort family, when John and Phoebe Comforts son James was born in September 1805, he must have soon become one of the most eligible bachelors in the valley. Although the novel came out in 1823, the land, houses, and people Cooper described in his 1790s village also reflected life in early Willingborough. I inquired of Joseph Smith Jr., who was to be the first who would be allowed to see the Book of Plates? . Although Blackman notes that Daniel Buck came into the valley in 1787 and David Hale recalled his father had come into the valley in 1787 or thereabout, Blackman placed the construction of the Bennett log home to 1788, either the log home was built in 1787 when Hale arrived and Blackman had an incorrect date, or Bennett built the home specifically for Hale the following spring. On his deathbed Isaac could not resist mentioning Joseph Smiths name, while Joseph wrote in his own history how his wifes father had acted under Divine providence in his defense.316. This is the same Oliver Cowdery, whose name may be found in the Book of Mormon. Tax Assessment, Great Bend Township, 1823, Susquehanna County Courthouse. The following spring of 1788 Jonathan Bennett built a log home, and David Hale recalled his father bought an improvement of Jonathan Bennett.47 Hale first occupied the farm that year, and Bennett settled with his two sons and two sons-in-law on a farm further downriver.48 If Bennett sold the land for what he paid for it to get out of a Susquehanna Land Company contract, Hale purchased 150 acres at twenty-five cents an acre.49 His log home, if Bennett built one like his fathers, was constructed of yellow pine logs, hewed, and pointed with lime mortar, and lined on the inside.50 Lime mortar was difficult to get in that remote area, however, and so the Hale home was probably mud chinked. Trial Notes of Scribe A and Trial Notes of Scribe B.. 183. Charles Hatchs 18281829 tavern was evidently a log structure and likely related to the log tavern Sylvanus Hatch in neighboring Great Bend Township. 4 Juli 2022 4 Juli 2022 iatse local 800 initiation fee pada isaac hale father of emma smith. 26. Joe Smith Operates at Susquehanna,Binghamton Daily Republican,29 July 1880,Early Mormon Documents4:34566. Tim Pickering grew increasingly ill after his marriage to Lurena and the birth of his son. Isaac and Elizabeth Hale did not enjoy the same good health as they aged. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,108. Lumber was also transported overland to the Delaware River about fifteen miles east of the Hale home where it was deposited until the spring floods carried the arks downriver straight to Philadelphia. I have accepted the date as Blackman gives it, assuming Hale remained in the valley through the winter. 51. Dubois and Pike,Centennial of Susquehanna County,73. Home of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale, parents of Emma Smith, wife of Joseph Smith, is replicated at the new Priesthood Restoration Site dedicated Sept. 19, 2015, at Harmony (now Oakland Township) Pennsylvania. Pickering,Chronological History of Plants,vii-xvi. 156. Timothy Pickering Letter to John Pickering, Starucca, May 3, 1807, Timothy Pickering Papers, 4:2. While Hale family members continued to participate in these meetings, some members of the family may have been among the many backsliders in the valley. Willingborough Township, Direct Tax Lists 1798, 4. Among them was a man named Josiah Stow, a deacon in Daniel Bucks congregation, where Josiah Stowell would later also serve as a deacon. George Edward Anderson, 1909, Courtesy LDS Church History Library. 193. Joseph had come southwest from New York seeking employment in the Susquehanna Valley. The Hale log home never reappeared in the records and thus by the time Mumford left town in 1831 the building was no longer a residence and was repurposed to house animals or store supplies. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,53. While Emily Blackman took a consistently negative approach in her description of Isaac Hales relationship with Joseph, she also acknowledged: It is thought that Mr. Hale was a little deluded at first, as well as others, in regard to Joes prophecy. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103. 270. They were not allowed to come into a room where their parents were talking with strangers, unless they were invited in; and if a stranger came in to talk to their parents, they were to bow and withdraw from the room.300 A good son would wait to speak to his father until spoken to, and then answer in as few words as possible. Emily Blackman, Susquehanna County, in William H. Egle, ed.,An Illustrated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania(Harrisburg: De Witt C. Goodrich & Co., 1876), 1019. After the Buck difficulty, instead of nearly all the families being pious, not but two or three were to be found entitled to that sacred epithet.175 The community still gathered for social interaction on the Sabbath, but they held their Sunday meetings in the local log schoolhouse and read from Thomas Paines Age of Reasoninstead of the Bible. Although Nathaniel Lewis enlisted for two separate terms during the French and Indian war, he enlisted again in 1775 as talk of revolution moved through Connecticuts churches and taverns, and he served in the Continental Navy under Lieutenant David Welch when it was first formed until his enlistment expired on November 10, 1775.72 Since the navy was initially made of up merchantmen, Lewis may have been working in the shipping trade when he enlisted, or he may have presented his earlier navy experience at enlistment. See also, Mark Ashurst-McGee, A Pathway to Prophethood: Joseph Smith Junior as Rodsman, Village Seer, and Judeo-Christian Prophet, (masters thesis, Utah State University, 2000); Dan Vogel, The Locations of Joseph Smiths Early Treasure Quests,Dialogue27 (Fall 1994): 20407. 294. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. David Cordingly,Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life among the Pirates(New York: Random House, 1995), 17879. 208. It is also likely the home had nice Venitian carpet that was then the height of fashion. He eventually studied at Harvard like his father, became a member of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1827, was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1828, and became a leading American naturalist. In early 1776 Nathaniel Lewis transferred his home with its sixteen acres of land by deed to his commanding officer, David Welch, and he took his family north to the Green Mountains.73 Although the family may have traveled with relatives, Elizabeth Lewis at only eight-years-old still held significant responsibility during the move, helping her expecting mother with her brothers and sisterseven-year-old Nathaniel Jr., five-year-old John, and two-year-old Esther. Emma served the needy: in Kirtland, she and Elizabeth Ann Whitney coordinated feasts for the poor, and in Nauvoo, she opened her home to the sick, orphaned, and homeless. Wife of Joseph Smith Jr. and Latter Day Saint leader (18041879), "Elect lady" and the early church, 18301839, The workers were searching for the supposed silver mine for. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,431. Nearly two years later, a close friend and non-Mormon,[citation needed] Major Lewis C. Bidamon, proposed marriage and became Emma's second husband on December 23, 1847. 186. 146. 1833, Susquehanna County Historical Society, when she lived in the Susquehanna County Seat at Montrose and attended tea parties regularly; Electa Jewett, Journal, 18591865, Susquehanna County Historical Society, lived in neighboring Brooklyn Township (Hopbottom during the early Hale period).